
Celebrating 25 years of Steve Riddell and the amazing impact he has had on our corporate quality program. We couldn’t do the amazing work that we do without you, your effort, your team, your strength, your brains and your commitment. Happy 25 years!

Omaha Steel Castings had an employee cookout! Staff enjoyed burgers and all the fixings. Burgers were prepared by our management team. Thank you to everyone who participated for making this an amazing day!

Who loves free gas? Our amazing employee’s do! Each week for the summer, we are giving away $50 Casey’s gas cards to random staff!

Week 1 Winners:

MVS Metals: Brittany Salvatori and Peggy Schultz

NPF Finishing: Chris Thomte

NPS Metals: Nate Jacobson and Ayanna Doll

OSC Castings: Nikita Hart and Jose Roque

Owen Holdings: Linda Schliesser

PVS Metals: San Htoo and Mario Moreno

PVS Structures: Randy Driver and Thomas Horswill


Week 2 Winners:

MVS Metals: Bryce Engle and Son Nguyen

NPF Finishing: Tim Kaminski

NPS Metals: Justin Wirgo and Nelson Adam

OSC Castings: Tasha Dunfield and Harold Harris

Owen Holdings: Dan Cimino

PVS Metals:  Samuel Rojas and Dae Si

PVS Structures: Brandon Steggall and William Collen

Week 3 Winners:

MVS Metals: Bill Manchester and Jody Sybesma

NPF Finishing: Chris LeMay

NPS Metals: Dixon Aguebor and Sam Parwon

OSC Castings: Sam Polsley and Robert Graves

Owen Holdings: Sheri Peetz

PVS Metals: David Clark and Hla Yi

PVS Structures: Justin Christensen and Matt Forney

Thank you to all of our employees in all of our divisions for all that you do!

You are appreciated!

PVS Structures has been busy in the shop. Check out our latest project!

135’-0” double wide through plate girder (DWTPG) span for UPRR Bridge 286.55, Boone Sub in Denison, IA

There are three girders providing support for this span, two side and one center (common) girder. Both side girders are identical measuring 2’-6” wide, 11’-11” tall and 135’-0” long weighing 137,400 pounds or 68.7 tons each. Top & bottom flange material is 2” thick and the web plate is 1” thick. The center common girder is 3’-0” wide at the bottom flange and 2’-6” wide at the top, 13’-11” tall and 135’-0” long weighing 211,500 pounds or 105.8 tons. Top flange is 3 ¾” thick, bottom flange is 3” thick and the web plate is 1 1/4” thick. Along with the connecting beams, deck plate and diaphragms, all steel for the TPG span weighs 1,327,340 pounds or 663.7 tons. In addition to the TPG, there are four jumper spans, two at each end of the bridge that are 34-0 long weighing 53,750 pounds or 26.9 tons each.

Tractor trailers will be used to haul the 27 loads of steel to the job site. The common girder will have to be laid flat because the center of gravity is too high if shipped vertically. The tractor trailer being used for the common girder (see below) has 11 axel locations with 2 axels per location (see end view). Each axle has 4 tires time 22 equals 88 tires for the trailer alone. Each axle is separate from each other and can be steered independently. A “push tractor” will be attached to the end of the trailer to help the load over hills etc. Front to end the entire load is roughly 192’-0 in length.

Once the steel is onsite the spans first phase will be built alongside the existing span. after it’s fully erected it will be slid into position with the use of hydraulic pistons and a series of rollers. It will take 4 weeks to assemble phase one steel and ready it for train traffic.

Having some bowling fun with coworkers!…

….and celebrating our bowling champ with a donation to the Wounded Warriors Project!