Quality & Excellence since 1885
Owen has two advanced, state of the art powder coat facilities that operate independently but have the redundancy that customers require – one in Casselton, North Dakota (NPF, est 2013) and another in Carter Lake, Iowa (PVF, est 2023).
NPF is a 36,000 square foot automated production and warehousing facility and PVF is a 25,000 square foot facility using our time-proven technologies with the addition of robotic coating applications.
Both locations feature a variable speed, continuous pass line, comprised of a five-stage wash with Bonderite rust inhibitive, multiple manual, automatic and robotic booths, with convection and conventional curing ovens. We meet and exceed the “plus 1000 hour” requirement demanded by major manufacturers and utilize next-generation application technology engineered in a dual powder-prime configuration that far surpasses the quality of traditional powder systems. Our powder coating capabilities extend to a wide range of simple and complex parts and include packaging and warehousing supported by a sophisticated logistics system to meet all your coating and delivery needs.
I will go beyond calling Owen a great supplier. They are more like a partner and family. They take better care of us than we do.

We excel at on-time delivery based on our customers’ specific needs, whether those needs require daily, just-in-time, or shipments of warehoused parts. Owen Industries also offers direct pickup and delivery via our company trucks.
We are proud to observe and use only environmentally friendly manufacturing practices. If your business demands reliable, next-generation powder coating that produces enhanced coating durability and quality over traditional systems, look no further – Owen is your partner.