PVS Metals 3D Printing

PVS Metals 3D Printing

Cincinnati Incorporated (CI) selected PVS Metals as a host facility to demonstrate their Small Area Additive Manufacturing (SAAM) 3D printer.  Representatives from Lozier, Diversified Products and Mid-Plains Industries/Central Confinement came to PVS Metals and joined...
Huskers WIN!

Huskers WIN!

PVS welcomed the Nebraska Cornhuskers onto the field at Memorial Stadium on Saturday, September 14th when they played Northern Illinois. Dan Cimino won the opportunity to be on the field with the players as they entered.A raffle was held for this amazing opportunity...
PVS Celebrates 48 Years with Paul!

PVS Celebrates 48 Years with Paul!

Paul Rhoten started with PVS Structures November 1, 1971 as a Machine Operator. He finished his career as Manager of the Paint Shop. Paul had an amazing work ethic, “Paul was one of the most loyal and hardworking employees, he came to work every day by 1:00 am!! He...
PVS and the Capitol District

PVS and the Capitol District

PVS Structures is excited to be a part in the creation of the new Capitol District in downtown Omaha. This structure is currently slated as a multi-use addition to the Capitol District. Though not yet complete, the addition will provide more restaurants or retail...