PVS Structures In The News……

PVS Structures Chief Engineer, Mark Holland, PE., has a delightful and humorous article featured in the November 2019 AISC magazine Steelwise. Check out his insightful and constructive thoughts on page 16 in the link below;...
Toys for Tots 2019

Toys for Tots 2019

Thank you to both our Carter Lake PVS and Fargo NPS employees for giving to this years Toys for Tots toy drive! The donation boxes are overflowing! We appreciate all of our Owen Industries employees who participated and put in the effort to fill the boxes! Thank you...
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our Senior Vice President of Sales and General Manager of PVS Metals, Keith Siebels! Enjoy your...
PVS Soccer Team

PVS Soccer Team

Did you know that PVS has its own Soccer team made up of PVS employees? Several different companies from around the Omaha area are included in the league. The groups play every weekend from June until November, or when there is snow on the ground. PVS employees from...